
Fiji Navy conducts first division

February 5, 2024 11:53 am

[Source: RFMF/ Facebook]

Fiji Navy Commander Commodore Humphrey Tawake says they will continue to reaffirm their commitments in the country.

Commodore Tawake says they will continue to support government agencies in the areas of fisheries, maritime security, and the protection of marine resources.

He made the comments during the Navy Division conducted today at the Stanley Brown Naval Base in Walu Bay, Suva.

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[Source: RFMF]

While addressing the division, Commodore Tawake reiterated the need to improve various aspects of operations and traits within the Navy.

[Source: RFMF]

In addition, he also urged all personnel to be mindful of the processes and regulations, as they contribute not only to upholding the standards of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces but also to the overall success of achieving the Fiji Navy mission.

[Source: RFMF]