
Fiji, India explore direct flight

August 8, 2024 6:30 am

Talks are underway between Fiji Airways and Air India to establish direct flights between Fiji and India.

Currently, Fiji Airways goes through intermediate routes, such as Singapore, and Hong Kong before passengers link on other airlines to India.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Civil Aviation Viliame Gavoka they are exploring this avenue.

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The Minister for Civil Aviation says the route aims to enhance connectivity and ease travel between the two countries.

“We know that we can fly to Delhi non-stop, but India is a developing market for us and a huge one at that.”

Gavoka says this way, they will also attract more travelers as indirect routing is also time-consuming for travelers.

India’s High Commissioner Palaniswamy Karthigeyan also stresses the need for effective collaboration.

“Fiji Airways and other stakeholders to look at the Indian market to connect them better, and to give them assured and regular connectivity. Because that is one major stumbling block which we see in getting Indian tourists from, you know, from the mainland to coming here.”

Karthigeyan says these discussions aim to strengthen the connectivity and bolster tourism and economic ties between the two countries.