
Fiji hosts largest conference of the year

August 13, 2024 12:37 pm

Local members waiting to greet their international friends along their way to Suva

Over 800 international delegates arrived yesterday at Nadi International Airport to participate in the Special Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses, marking the largest conference held in Fiji this year.

The three-day event, which will take place from this Friday to next Sunday at the Vodafone Arena in Suva, is expected to inject more than $7 million into the Fijian economy, particularly benefiting the hotel and tourism sector.

Among the delegates is Ezra Smith from the United States, who expressed his excitement about finally visiting Fiji—a dream he has had since he was 11 years old.

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[Jehovah’s Witnesses delegates in front of the Suva City Carniage]

“Ever since I was 11-years old, it was my dream to come to Fiji. It was referenced in a movie, and when we heard that Fiji is going to be part of the Special Convention, we had to sign up, and we only signed up for Fiji. When we landed here, there was no better welcome than the Fijian brothers and sisters welcoming us with open arms, dancing, playing guitar, smiling, and hearing Bula.”

[Jehovahs Witnesses delegates welcomes by their local members at the Nadi International Airport]

Tekaiava Sosene, a spokesperson for Jehovah’s Witnesses, shared that the international delegates received an exceptionally warm welcome upon their arrival in Nadi.

[Delegates welcome by local members of Jehovah’s Witnesses at Nadi International Airport]

“It’s an experience they will never forget, and they will take that back home. It was special, and they are looking forward to all the activities organized for them,”

The influx of delegates has boosted business for hotels across Fiji, with accommodations booked from Suva to Navua.

[Jehovah’s Witnesses local member giving a tour]

Delegates have traveled directly from countries including Australia, Hong Kong, and the United States, with others taking connecting flights from Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Micronesia, and Vietnam.

[Jehovah’s Witnesses delegates in Suva City]

The Special Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses promises to be a significant event for Fiji, not only in terms of its economic impact but also in fostering international cultural exchange and goodwill.