
FICAC outlines crackdown on financial crimes

July 20, 2024 12:54 pm

FICAC office

The Fiji Independent Commission against Corruption is renewing focus on financial crimes, especially those involving the abuse of office, obtaining financial advantage and causing loss.

Acting Deputy Commissioner Francis Puleiwai says this as majority of the cases before courts for prosecution are for these offenses.

Puleiwai says while there are less bribery cases, financial crimes remain a top priority.

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She adds that FICAC has undertaken a comprehensive review of past cases, resulting in the withdrawal of some and nolle prosequi filed in other cases.

The Acting Deputy Commissioner says the decision-making process involves rigorous assessment with a focus on evidence strength and witness availability.

“If we have evidence, we have sufficient evidence to prove the cases in court, those are the cases that are taken to court and that assessment has been done by the team

The Acting Deputy Commissioner also highlighted the establishment of an economic crime unit within FICAC, tasked with investigating unexplained wealth and proceeds of crime.

She says this new unit is expected to enhance the agency’s capacity to combat complex financial crimes.