
FCS to review Yellow Ribbon, Nawaikula says initiative not working

August 20, 2024 6:44 am

[File Photo]

Former Member of Parliament Niko Nawaikula claims that the Yellow Ribbon project by the Fiji Corrections Service is only a good publicity but is simply not working.

Naiwaikula who recently served prison time for obtaining financial advantages claims the real purpose of the initiative does not exist which is to support inmates and prepare them for life after prison.

He claims there are nothing for young offenders and a laxity in providing training for their personal growth.

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Former Member of Parliament Niko Nawaikula

Nawaikula claims the FCS is more focused on security rather than providing inmates the essential tools for growth.

“They are not being rehabilitated because the measures for training, they have not been given the opportunity for that. I think they are over conscious about security, worrying about contrabands coming in and for those reasons they do not allow them to go to training, normal training areas.”

FCS Commissioner Dr. Jalesi Nakarawa also revealed that the initiative has not benefitted the majority of those it is supposed to serve.

He says the years of the program is not matching the outcome.

“We are actually reviewing that. When we look at it this has been running for about 10-years now but the outcome is really questionable because apart from these marches, these symposium and all these there’s nothing tangible to actually tell the people is that ok this is what, you know.”

The Commissioner however says in order for real rehab to work, the inmates themselves will have to make the decision of their desire to change.

He adds that FSC is working on getting focused rehabilitation programs in place which will produce tangible results.