
FCS highlights gaps in Fiji's drug strategy

July 2, 2024 4:57 pm

There is a concerning gap in the national strategy against drugs in the absence of dedicated resources and a focus on corrections.

Fiji Corrections Services Commissioner Dr. Jalesi Nakarawa says the FCS is already grappling with a growing influx of drug offenders, a trend expected to intensify with improved law enforcement measures.

Dr. Nakarawa says the current capacity of FCS is strained, and without dedicated drug rehabilitation programs, it is ill-prepared to manage the anticipated increase in convictions stemming from the new national drug strategy and the establishment of the National Narcotic Bureau.

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He has commended the government’s commitment to tackling the drug issue head-on.

However, he adds that an effective drug strategy requires a comprehensive approach that includes not just detection and prosecution but also rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders.

Dr. Nakarawa says the facilities are already at capacity, and without proper rehabilitation programs, we risk perpetuating a cycle of reoffending.

The FCS highlights the need for a holistic approach to the drug problem, one that encompasses preventive measures, law enforcement, and robust correctional and rehabilitation programs.

He adds that investment in these areas is crucial to ensuring that convicted drug offenders receive the support needed to overcome addiction and reintegrate into society successfully.

The FCS remains committed to its mission of rehabilitating offenders and ensuring public safety.

Dr. Nakarawa says it stands ready to work with the government and other stakeholders to develop and implement strategies that address the multifaceted nature of the drug problem in Fiji.