
Farmer jailed for marijuana cultivation

September 24, 2024 3:26 pm

A 52-year-old farmer has been sentenced to nine years in prison for the unlawful cultivation of marijuana.

Kitione Draunidalo was convicted of cultivating 211 cannabis plants, weighing over 278 kilograms in Lovu, Gau with the intention of commercial supply.

He initially pleaded not guilty but changed his plea to guilty five days before the trial was scheduled to begin.

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High Court judge Justice Pita Baulamainaivalu in delivering the sentence notes that the large quantity of cannabis and the significant financial gain Draunidalo expected to make.

In his caution interview, Draunidalo admitted he was lured into the cultivation, believing the plants could fetch an estimated $97,000 per harvest.

Justice Baulamainaivalu states that the aggravating factors in the case, including the illegal use of native land which violated the trust of the landowners and exposed the village to the harmful effects of marijuana.

He stresses the prevalence of drug cultivation in Fiji and the damage it causes to society.

Draunidalo’s lack of prior convictions, his role as a father of three and his guilty plea were taken into account as mitigating factors, resulting in a reduction of his sentence.

The time Draunidalo had already spent in custody was also deducted, leaving him with a final sentence of nine years and seven days with a non-parole period of eight years.

The judge also ordered the destruction of the cannabis plants after the 30-day appeal period.