
Environment conservation is vital says Tunabuna

June 25, 2024 6:25 am

[Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways Fiji/ Facebook]

Droughts, land degradation, and desertification are disasters that have become more frequent over the last few years.

Speaking during the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, Assistant Minister for Agriculture Tomasi Tunabuna says that with the growing population and the demands, healthy land cover is constantly diminishing.

Tunabuna says that land is central to the well-being of Fiji’s ecosystems and biodiversity as it feeds us, shelters us, and provides the backbone of our economy.

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“The issues of desertification, land degradation, and drought are some of the most pressing environmental challenges facing the world today. Forty percent of land across the globe is already classified as degraded. Desertification and drought are attributed to the growing unpredictability and severity of weather patterns caused by climate change.”

Tunabuna stressed that the importance of land use plans in sustainable resource management cannot be overemphasized given that 90 percent of land in Fiji is under customary ownership and located in rural areas.

He adds that it is important to understand that we must preserve our environment not just for biodiversity but also for the well-being of our future generations.