
Enforcement and border security measures strengthened

May 27, 2024 6:37 am

The government is stepping up efforts to address criminal activities and illegal border entries, emphasizing the need for increased police presence and enhanced maritime security operations.

Home Affairs Minister Pio Tikoduadua highlighted this after concerns raised by Opposition MP Viliame Naupoto about the lack of police presence in towns and cities, which he noted is a significant deterrent to criminal activities.

Tikoduadua says they will continue to resource the police so that they are able to provide confidence to the people.

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He has also expressed optimism about the upcoming appointment of a new Commissioner of Police, who is expected to enhance the strategic direction and community presence of the force.

In addition to addressing land-based criminal activities, the Minister says the government is also focusing on illegal border entries, particularly those involving contraband smuggling via ships.

“This is one of the areas where we will build our capacity on to be able to go out there and board the ships that we suspect. Also, with the arrival of the new Naval boat, I am glad that this is the Republic of Fiji Navy Ship, RFNS Puamau added to the fleet to have a better maritime surveillance, a better control and a better outlook there in the sea, in our maritime zone, and also do boarding operations or suspected illegal fishing or some other transnational crime happening in the high seas.”

Tikoduadua says these measures are part of a broader strategy to enhance national security and ensure the safety of Fiji’s borders and communities.