
Employment Ministry launches Strategic Development Plan

August 26, 2024 5:46 am

[Source: Fiji Ministry of Employment, Productivity and Industrial Relations/ Facebook]

The Ministry of Employment, Productivity and Industrial Relations launched their 5-Year (2024/2029) Strategic Development Plan and Ministry’s new name to Ministry of Employment, Productivity and Workplace Relations.

Minister Agni Deo Singh says the SDP is well aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and it provides a roadmap for the Ministry outlining its vision, mission and both the short and long-term goals.

He further adds that the plan is aligned with the National Development Plans.

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Employment Minister Agni Deo Singh [Source: Fiji Ministry of Employment, Productivity and Industrial Relations/ Facebook]

On the Ministry’s name change, he highlighted that the Ministry is not only changing the name, it embraces the Ministry vision that reflects its new and progressing priorities and the realities of the modern workplace.

He says the need to change the current ministry name was due to the recent change and development in the world of work coupled with the International Labour Organization’s direction in terms of addressing labour standards, tripartism and compliant with widely used terminologies and concepts internationally that complement the working environment dynamics.

He says this emphasizes their role as facilitators of dialogue, understanding, and cooperation between all stakeholders in the labour market both locally and internationally.