
Employment Minister emphasizes high safety standards

June 26, 2024 12:27 pm

Employment Minister Agni Deo Singh [2nd from right] during Essity Pacific Lost Time Injury Free event [Source: Fiji Government/Facebook]

Employment Minister Agni Deo Singh says it is important to maintain high safety standards and have a shared responsibility towards occupational health and safety.

Singh highlighted this during Essity Pacific Lost Time Injury Free event as the company celebrated significant milestone marking 10 years of operations without any lost time injuries.

Singh says this speaks volumes about the unwavering commitment of the entire team towards creating a safe and healthy work environment.

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Employment Minister Agni Deo Singh [2nd from left] during Essity Pacific Lost Time Injury Free event [Source: Fiji Government/Facebook]

While emphasizing the importance of teamwork in achieving such a record he also announced the ongoing efforts to review and enhance OHS legislation in the country.

“Maintaining a strong focus on occupational health and safety can have a significant positive impact on productivity by reducing absenteeism, boosting employee morale, improving efficiency, reducing turnover, and ensuring compliance with regulations.”

Employment Minister Agni Deo Singh [left] during Essity Pacific Lost Time Injury Free event [Source: Fiji Government/Facebook]

The Minister further adds they are actively bringing together employers’ and workers’ organizations to foster dialogue and resolve issues amicably.