
Students excited for University level

February 7, 2023 4:10 pm

Students flock USP for their orientation.

Hundreds of students flocked to the University of the South Pacific Laucala Campus today as part of orientation week before classes begin next week.

Many of the students are excited, as this will be their first year at University.

First-year journalism student Naomi Tabua says she is super excited since she came from Naitasiri this morning to be part of this orientation.

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“This is my first year attending USP and I’m excited to be attending this institution, today is all about the orientation.”

For Jone Tadulala, leaving Labasa to be part of the institution was a bit challenging, but he looks forward to this academic year.

“I look forward to being in this institution to further my studies, and excited for this day and academic year.”

The Orientation Week is designed to help new students understand the university’s learning and teaching environment and assist them in becoming familiar with the campus and other services provided by USP.