
Possible deferment of exams, announcement soon

November 13, 2023 7:55 am

In anticipation of the looming weather conditions, the Education Ministry is collaborating with the Fiji National Disaster Management Office and other pertinent authorities to closely monitor the situation.

Minister Aseri Radrodro has indicated that if confirmed that a cyclone will impact Fiji, there is a likelihood that all external examinations will be rescheduled to a later date.

An official announcement regarding the potential shifts in examination schedules is expected later today.

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Radrodro has called on all Divisional and Education officers throughout Fiji to be vigilant and take necessary steps to secure the safety of schools.

Emphasizing the importance of preparedness, he urged parents and guardians to exercise caution and stay informed about the whereabouts of their children during adverse weather conditions.

He says in the event that schools need to be utilized as evacuation centres, Radrodro expressed his trust that school managers will collaborate effectively with relevant authorities to provide the best possible support for the people.