
Minister unveils plan aimed at holistic student development

November 10, 2023 12:16 pm

Education Minister Aseri Radrodro has emphasized that the 2023 Denarau Declaration and the Education Ministry’s three-year strategy is more than a document, it’s a commitment to the nation’s future.

He underlined a pledge to prioritize education framing it as a promise to future generations.

The minister states that progress will be measured and accountability will be upheld for the established goals.

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Outlining the vision for the next three years, Radrodro expressed a clear objective to revolutionize education in Fiji making it accessible, inclusive and of the highest quality.

The focus, he mentioned is on the holistic development of students, aiming to empower them to become responsible citizens contributing to the social and economic progress of the nation.

“The Denarau declaration marks a pivotal moment in the education landscape of Fiji embodying a comprehensive national education framework designed to revolutionize and revitalize the country’s learning ecosystem. At its core, the framework is built upon the theme of transforming the education system, building and supporting resilient Fijians.”

Radrodro described this launch as a new chapter in the evolution of the education landscape, marking a pivotal moment in the collective journey toward building a robust, adaptable, and inclusive education system geared for 21st-century challenges.

Highlighting a collaborative approach, Radrodro stated that the strategic plan was crafted through consultations with various education stakeholders, including teachers, parents, students, and community leaders.

He emphasized the invaluable input received during pre-submit consultations, incorporating safety initiatives and goals outlined in the plan.

The minister affirmed a commitment to working collaboratively with all Fijians to achieve educational objectives.

Radrodro adds that this strategic plan, developed considering feedback from pre-summit consultations will undergo further review after the finalization of the Education Sector analysis and education sector plan.