
ECE teachers need to be observant

August 27, 2024 6:15 am

Early childhood teachers have emphasized the crucial role of observation, highlighting its importance for both data collection and student development.

Senior Education Officer Alumeci Seruisavou outlines that systematic observation allows educators to gather comprehensive data on each child’s progress and needs.

She says this approach not only aids in creating detailed portfolios for individual students but also helps in identifying areas where additional support may be required.

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According to Seruisavou, the primary goal of observation is to gain a deeper understanding of each child’s strengths and areas for growth.

“So observation is again very important. Then we will be able to identify where we need to put in more effort to assist each child.”

In line with this, Seruisavou also discussed the policy governing teacher-to-student ratios in early childhood education (ECE) centers.

She states that currently, the recommended ratio is one teacher to fifteen students.

Seruisavou adds that this policy ensures that each teacher has enough time to observe and interact with their students effectively.

While the ratio may seem challenging, Seruisavou emphasizes that the effectiveness of teaching is not solely dependent on the number of students but also on the teacher’s commitment and effort.