
EC sits to discuss FijiFirst appeal

August 17, 2024 7:32 am

Independent MP Alvick Maharaj [left] and Barbara Malimali

The Electoral Commission of Fiji sat today in its quasi-judicial capacity to hear the appeal of Independent MP Alvick Maharaj against the decision of the Registrar of Political Parties to deregister FijiFirst on the 1st of last month.

Commission Chair, Barbara Malimali says they are pleased that the process is now underway.

Malimali says they look forward to publishing their decision at the conclusion.

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Malimali stresses that will not comment further on the matter.

FijiFirst was deregistered last month in accordance with Section 12 (4) of the Political Parties (Registration, Conduct, Funding and Disclosures) Act, 2013.

FijiFirst was notified to amend its Constitution to include provisions required under schedule two of the Act, but it failed to do so.