FCEF Chief Executive Kameli Batiweti.
The Fiji Commerce and Employers Federation says an element of ease of doing business needs to be considered in the 2023–2024 National Budget.
Speaking on “Saqamoli Matters” last night Chief Executive Kameli Batiweti says there are some barriers that need to be reviewed and addressed.
Batiweti says the review will ensure that the ease of doing business remains attractive not only for domestic investors but for foreign investors as well.
“However, what is important is to ensure that the environment is conducive to these growths and intentions to grow, in particular the micro, small, and Medium Enterprises. Sometimes we take our eyes off the MSME space.”
Batiweti says the MSME sector accounts for 62 percent of our employment numbers in Fiji.
The Chief Executive says MSMEs contribute 18 percent of our Gross Domestic Product per year.