
Dr. Singh calls for stronger NCD policies

September 26, 2024 6:25 am

[File Photo]

General Practitioner Dr. Rayneel Singh believes that much more needs to be done in the fight against non-communicable diseases, which remain a significant health crisis for the country.

While speaking at Fiji’s National Development Plan 2025-2029 and Vision 2050 panel discussion, Dr. Singh highlighted the lack of key measures, such as incentives for healthier food or taxation on unhealthy options.

He adds that the absence of direct policies related to food affordability and nutritional value highlights a larger issue.

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“At the end of the day, our lower socioeconomic status class only buys what they can afford. And you walk through any supermarket, and what you can afford is not necessarily nutritional.”

Dr. Singh stresses that addressing the NCD crisis requires health education and systemic changes in the food economy, including legislative amendments to promote healthier living environments.

In response, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Biman Prasad stated that the government, as part of the operationalization of the National Development Plan, is focusing on key sectors like health and education particularly the issue of NCD.

He states that improving outcomes in these areas is crucial not only for the well-being of citizens but also for driving economic growth.