
Diversity should be acknowledged

September 26, 2024 11:21 am

Diverse individuals have been encouraged to be empowered to enter politics and run for elections and represent the needs of the broader community.

This was highlighted by the Rainbow Foundation Chief Executive Isikeli Vulavou during the launch of the SOGIESC Handbook for Fiji Parliamentarians in partnership with the British High Commission and funded by the Equality and Justice Alliance last night.

Vulavou says that this handbook has been inspired by the UNDP and Fundamentals for Global Action publication Advancing the Human Rights and Inclusion of LGBTI People.

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He says that this handbook started with several conversations with key LGBT stakeholders in Fiji, and then a consultation workshop with Rainbow Pride Foundation Secretary.

The Executive of the Rainbow Pride Foundation states that that process took them about a year, but it took us about three years to launch the handbook due to some challenges.

“Remember, LGBT people are more than their gender and sexual orientation. They are human beings deserving a quality life, human rights and to reach their full development. The handbook guides Fiji parliamentarians on how to deliver on their human rights obligations.”

Vulavou says that this handbook will be able to inspire change in our communities about LGBTQ individuals.

He adds the handbook has critical information on people with intersex variations who are largely ignored by our health systems with detrimental impacts on their lives and well-being.

The handbook provides parliamentarians who are policy makers at the government level, on how to use the intersectionality lens to ensure policies and laws they make are effective and that you are making the best use of class government resources.