
Deo urges nations to uphold rights of recyclers

June 24, 2024 10:17 am

[Source: Supplied]

The Pacific Recycling Foundation believes that it is vital to build societies where acts of repression are not tolerated.

Founder Amitesh Deo says the fundamental rights to peaceful protest and expression must be safeguarded universally, without fear of violence or suppression.

Deo says all nations including Fiji must uphold the principles to ensure that the voices of marginalized communities, such as recyclers, are heard and respected.

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The PRF also condemns the police repression inflicted on the Argentine Federation of Cartoneros, Carreros, and Recyclers during their peaceful mobilization, earlier this month, in Argentina.

Deo says the PRF stands in solidarity with the International Alliance of Waste Pickers in condemning the brutal police repression inflicted on their members.

He adds that what is more shocking and saddening is that the incident happened just weeks after the commemoration of International Workers Day in Argentina, which the PRF team was a part of with representatives from over 50 grassroots recycling organizations.