
Decline in cane cutters raises concerns for Sugar Industry

September 30, 2024 5:05 am

There has been a significant decline in productivity among cane cutters.

Director of Planning, Policy, and Research at the Ministry of Sugar Industry Reshmi Kumari highlighted this during the 8th International Association of Professionals in Sugar & Integrated Technologies Conference in Vietnam.

She says over the past 15 years, the output per cane cutter has declined by nearly 50 percent.

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She says in 2009, each cutter averaged 233 tons per season, and by 2021, that figure had fallen to just 118 tons.

During her presentation, Kumari also identified several contributing factors to this alarming decline, including mill stoppages and workforce capabilities.

The presentation also covered the mechanization of cane cultivation, highlighting that a total of 142 tractor service providers are registered with the Fiji Sugar Corporation Limited.

She says these TSPs will offer essential services including plowing, harrowing, spraying, and tilling, and the Ministry will closely monitor the efficiency of this new TSP model over the next few years.

Kumari further says the Ministry of Sugar Industry has proactively supported the Farm Mechanization strategy, investing approximately $3.5 million from 2017 to 2023 to procure 52 mechanical harvesters, 20 tractors with implements, 12 planters, and 16 fertilizer applicators.

The Ministry plans to continue supporting these initiatives in its 2024-2025 budget and explore suitable mechanical harvesting solutions for manual farmers.