
Cyber security critical in Fiji’s digital landscape

November 2, 2023 12:42 pm

Deputy Prime Minister, Manoa Kamikamica is again stressing the pivotal role of cyber security in the nation’s digital landscape.

Speaking at the Fiji Tech Summit hosted by Datec, Kamikamica emphasizes the critical need for robust cyber security measures as the nation’s reliance on digital systems continues to expand.

He says that with this growing dependence, fortifying defenses against evolving cyber threats becomes imperative to ensure the seamless functioning of ICT infrastructure and the protection of sensitive information.

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Furthermore, Kamikamica highlights the significance of a well-thought-out and actionable security strategy in safeguarding Fiji’s digital assets.

“We must acknowledge the rapid pace of technological innovation, for example artificial intelligence, technology in particular the ICT landscape is witnessing breakthroughs that were once considered a fantasy about the future. And for that reason, planning for the future in ICT means staying abreast of these advancements, anticipating their impact, and leveraging them to drive positive change.”

Recognizing the evolving nature of cyber threats, the Deputy Prime Minister says the development of a diverse skill set among ICT professionals, emphasizing the necessity for skills beyond traditional coding.

Kamikamica’s vision encompasses a future workforce equipped to tackle complex cyber security challenges while contributing to the overall growth and resilience of Fiji’s digital ecosystem.

More than 20 worldwide brands and around 300 people are part of the two-day event.