
CWM infrastructure master plan to be ready soon

July 30, 2024 4:25 pm

CWM Hospital

Fiji will soon issue a tender to select the company that will carry out major rehabilitation work at Colonial War Memorial Hospital.

Australia is providing $33.4 million for this major work, and High Commissioner Ewen McDonald stresses the importance of providing quality health services for Fijians.

He assures that Australia will work closely with the Fiji government to deliver the CWM Hospital’s infrastructure master plan.

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McDonald says work will commence as soon as the Fiji government issues the tender, noting the immediate need to raise the quality of health services provided by the country’s largest hospital.

“We know how important that work is, not only to the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, and the Government, but also to the people of Fiji. So I expect the company that will lead that work will be announced in the next few weeks. So that will then get that work underway. It’s not a task that will be done overnight; we’ve said that, but it’s very important that the master plan is done well.”

Minister for Finance Biman Prasad says McDonald is well-informed about the condition of health facilities across the country and is dedicated to supporting Fiji in this initiative.

“I visited with His Excellency last year and the others, including health centers. This is a model that we would like to promote; we would like to support and work together with the Australian Government so that these projects are delivered effectively, efficiently, and on time, and I think the record so far has been quite exemplary.”

Prasad adds that both countries share common development goals, with enhancing health services being a key priority.