
Critical training for Ministry of Lands staff

April 21, 2024 4:37 pm

[Source: Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources/ Facebook]

Twenty officers from the Ministry of Land’s Mineral Resources Department participated in a Workshop on technical assistance initiative aimed to enhance global mining sector governance and support the Energy and Mineral Governance Program.

The training also includes assessing exploration proposals, monitoring exploration programs, mine closure, tailings management, rehabilitation, and post-mine land use.

The workshop was facilitated by Charles Carron Brown, an Exploration Program Specialist, and. Spencer Hogikyan, Project Manager of Deloitte Development.

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Both facilitators brought international technical expertise in mining, petroleum, energy, climate, natural resources, critical minerals, forestry, and other related sectors.

The program received funding from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Energy Resources in partnership with the U.S. Department of the Interior under the Energy and Mineral Governance Program.