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Calls are growing for stronger enforcement of existing laws to hold landlords accountable and ensure fair treatment for tenants.
Disputes between landlords and tenants remain prevalent, with tenants facing challenges such as denied bond refunds, illegal utility disconnections, unlawful evictions, and rent increases despite freezes.
There is also a lack of tenancy agreements, and tenants failing to provide rent receipts.
Consumer Council of Fiji Chief Executive Seema Shandil says they received over 400 complaints were filed in the 2023-2024 financial year.
“We collaborate with regulatory agencies like FCCC to ensure that violators are held accountable, which may include, of course, by FCCC, the court proceedings to ensure consumer protection laws are upheld.”
Shandil says they are working with stakeholders to address these issues and protect tenants’ rights.
The Council is advocating for improved policies and greater awareness of rights and responsibilities for both landlords and tenants.
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