
Consultation to enhance TVET education

July 19, 2024 12:14 pm

The development of the Fiji National TVET policy was initiated by the Ministry of Education as part of their strategic plan and annual corporate plan since 2016.

Chief of the National TVET Policy Working Group, Isoa Tauribau, says the policy will provide a framework and pathway for this sector.

Tauribau adds that the TVET unit at the Ministry of Education will focus on ensuring that the policy is successfully implemented.

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The unit will work with the proposed TVET council and the current TVET Sector Review Committee.

“Mandated by the government through the Higher Education Commission, the TVET Sector Review Committee was set up to oversee the implementation of the TVET Review Recommendations towards the proposed establishment of the Skills Council Fiji.”

Tauribau says the government is committed to SDG4, which calls for quality education that promotes learning.