
Consistency in leadership key to political success

August 19, 2024 6:50 am

Harish Sharma

A seasoned politician who won seven consecutive elections says leaders must be present in their communities and should always prioritize the people’s interests over political expediency.

Harish Sharma whose political career began in 1972 held various significant positions, including Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Housing, Urban Affairs, and Information in the brief Timoci Bavadra government in 1987.

Despite the challenges he faced, including the coup that deposed the Bavadra government, the National Federation Party member’s approach to politics was grounded in a simple yet profound principle of connecting with people.

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92-year-old Sharma says his successful political career is due to his deep connection with the people.

Sharma also highlighted the importance of consistency in leadership.

“For any country to progress, and Fiji is no exception, everyone should look in national interest. There are poor and needy in every community. More in some, less in others. But every community has their have-nots. And so they must also be attended to, irrespective of what race they belong to.”

Sharma also reflected on the remarkable resurgence of the National Federation Party which is one of the oldest political party.

“The party has improved its position. And today I think there are three or four members of NFP in the government. All holding responsible positions. All doing well. All identifying themselves with the community. So looking at the crystal ball, shall I say, and I hope I am right the position of party, in my opinion, looks quite good.”

Sharma also had a role in the historic coalition between the NFP and the Fiji Labour Party in 1987.