
Close collaboration with Nadi chiefs crucial says Turaga

October 1, 2024 5:50 am

Minister for Justice Siromi Turaga [Source: Parliament of the Republic of Fiji / Facebook]

Minister for Justice Siromi Turaga, in his address supporting the debate on the 2016 Nadi Town Council reports, emphasized the importance of acknowledging and collaborating with the Vanua (traditional landowners) and local chiefs in Nadi.

He highlighted the need for the council to engage with local communities, fostering relationships through talanoa (dialogue).

Turaga noted that the coalition government aims to improve collaboration between the Vanua and local governments, which had been lacking in past years.

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He also discussed critical infrastructure issues, particularly the lack of a landfill in Nadi.

“The lack of landfills—it’s a pity that we are in this state. The issue has been recognized, unfortunately for the former Minister sitting there. I’m sure if you approach the landowners, there are potential sites where this can be done. It’s a matter of sitting down to address this issue because Nadi being a premier town closer to the airport, it must have an incinerator on its own.”

Turaga criticized the frequent changes in Nadi Town Council management, which he believes contributed to the town’s persistent issues, such as flood mitigation.

He urged the Council to address the drainage issues and assist residents living below the poverty line, many of whom face severe flooding.

Additionally, he pointed out the dire condition of cemeteries in Nadi, calling for better management and respect for the deceased.

He applauded efforts to improve the Local Government Act and emphasized the need for inclusive governance that listens to all voices, especially those that often go unheard.

Turaga highlights the government’s commitment to addressing rate collection challenges and creating more efficient systems to serve Nadi residents.

Finally, he endorsed the motion and highlighted the need for good governance under the coalition government.