
Climate-smart agriculture takes center stage at Agriculture Show

September 12, 2024 12:43 pm

[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

The National Agriculture Show 2024 promises to be a platform for driving innovation and supporting farmers in adapting to the challenges posed by climate change.

With the theme “Empowering Farmers, Cultivating Resilience through Innovation and Inclusiveness in Climate-Smart Agriculture,” the event will bring together farmers, industry leaders, agricultural experts and enthusiasts from across Fiji to celebrate advancements in agriculture and promote sustainable practices.

Minister for Agriculture and Waterways Vatimi Rayalu says the National Agriculture Show 2024 will take place from October 15th to 18th at the Valelevu Grounds in Nasinu.

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“This year, if you visit the agriculture show, you will be able to enjoy a variety of activities suitable for all ages, including interactive exhibits, farm-to-table food experiences, and more.”

Rayalu states that one of the key challenges facing the sector is the impact of climate change on Fiji’s agricultural landscape.

He says saltwater intrusion, exacerbated by rising sea levels is affecting once-productive coastal and riverine farmlands, rendering many areas unsuitable for agriculture.

This intrusion, Rayalu highlights has extended inland, even reaching areas as far as the upper Rewa River where the smell of the sea is now evident.

In addition to saltwater intrusion, the loss of arable land to other forms of development has further constrained agricultural productivity.

To address these challenges, Rayalu states that the ministry is focusing on climate-smart agriculture initiatives.

He also says researchers are developing salt-tolerant crop varieties such as rice, and promoting the cultivation of traditional crops known for their resilience over centuries.

Instead of relying heavily on hybrids, the Minister says the emphasis is on propagating these traditional varieties to ensure food security and sustainability.

The National Agriculture Show will showcase a range of innovations designed to enhance efficiency and productivity in the sector.

Fijians will be able to witness real-time demonstrations of new machinery, equipment, and technologies, including grafting and marcotting techniques for fruit trees.

The show will also feature a Farmers Village, providing a platform for farmers to display their produce and value-added products.