
Civil service week incorporated with SMEs

July 1, 2024 12:17 pm

The Ministry of Civil Service is incorporating the launch of Civil Service Week with the ROC Market, dedicating the valuable contribution of small and medium entrepreneurs to our economy.

Minister for Women, Lynda Tabuya says the ROC Market has been providing the platform for Women Empowerment and other artisans to come and sell.

“So for the Civil Service to partner with the ROC Market, I think, takes it to another level now, because they’re going to be running ROC Market for the whole week.”

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Tabuya believes the idea is to continue to raise the visibility and platform for women entrepreneurs to be able to have a place to sell as well as earn an income for themselves and their families.

As part of the weeklong celebration, the civil servants will take part in a tree planting and clean-up campaign in the Nasinu area.

Organizing Committee Chair, Samuela Moce, says they will also have a wellness session on Wednesday.

Moce says that there will be a public lecture on Thursday before the March on Friday from Flee Market to Albert Park to mark the civil service day celebration.