
China offers drug rehab support to Fiji

August 31, 2024 12:31 pm

China is willing to provide rehabilitation support and facilities to Fiji in combating the rising issues of drug abuse and addiction.

This was highlighted by the Chinese Ambassador to Fiji, Zhou Jian, stating that the Chinese government is ready to facilitate when the request comes from the Fijian government.

He adds that China also faced the drug crisis in the past, which was prevented through the implementation of strict anti-drug policies.

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“We will have to provide the necessary facilities to our Fijian friends. For example, drug testing, very quick drug testing, and others. And then, certainly, we can have seminars. We can also provide training courses for our Fiji police officers, according to your past.”

The Chinese Ambassador believes that youth involvement in drugs is due to poverty and unemployment, which can be addressed through an anti-drug campaign.

He says that China is willing to share experiences that they have adopted in poverty alleviation and combating drugs.

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka says the Fijian government is keen to learn from China’s border control strategies that have prevented the infiltration of drugs.

“Fiji is going through some problems with transnational crimes, particularly the transportation of narcotic drugs internationally. Some have been caught and found in Fiji, and we will be very, very interested to learn how you maintain border security and prevent the infiltration, even exfiltration, of any of the illegal activities involved in narcotics.”

He adds that Fiji has implemented the National Countering Illicit Narcotics Strategy for 2023 to 2028, which is a comprehensive plan aimed at tackling the drug trade and reducing its impact on our society and economy.