
Children central to future of SIDS development: UNICEF

June 2, 2024 7:35 am

[File Photo]

The future of sustainable development in Small Island Developing States rests on children and young people.

This has been highlighted by UNICEF Representative for Pacific Island Countries Jonathan Veitch while speaking at the margins of the 4th International Conference for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in Antigua and Barbuda.

Veitch says children’s involvement in policymaking and developing initiatives to enhance their leadership is essential.

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“By doing so, we provide them opportunities to achieve their dreams and grow into a skilled, confident, and capable generation—the very definition of human capital. UNICEF is deeply committed to supporting the implementation of the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS with children and youth at the centre.”

Veitch says investing strategically in resilient health and education systems, building in-country employment opportunities and retention incentives, and tailoring solutions to children and youth is crucial.

He adds that children and youth are highly capable of developing and implementing innovative, solution-oriented actions, which is why their meaningful involvement in decision-making processes is a key objective of this conference.