
Child obesity a worry for MOH

August 14, 2024 6:27 am

Childhood obesity is a major concern for the Ministry of Health and Medical Services.

This issue was highlighted by Acting Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Luisa Cikamaitana Rauto when discussing the effectiveness of the Ministry’s primary school visitations and observed trends.

Dr. Rauto expresses concern over the rising trend of childhood obesity in recent years.

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She notes that some mothers visiting clinics believe that a fat baby is a healthy baby, which is a misconception.

“My worry is childhood obesity. You know, when babies are born, mothers think that, oh, if my baby is really fat, that’s, you know, that’s good. But it’s not. We have the babies, all babies have a certain growth, childhood growth curve, and it’s good for them to understand what it means”

Dr. Rauto urges mothers to seek accurate information on proper nutrition from Maternal Child Health Clinics if they are unsure.

She advises parents to address any concerns about their child’s weight by seeking help and advice, which is readily available.

She encourages parents to ensure their children receive proper nutrition tailored to their needs and to avoid overfeeding them.