
Case to answer for former WAF engineer

August 30, 2024 3:29 pm

A former senior engineer with the Water Authority of Fiji has a case to answer for corruption charges.

Mohammed Shafraaz Ali faced the Suva Magistrates court with one count of bribery imposed by the Fiji Independent Commission against Corruption.

The ruling on the No Case to Answer Case was called yesterday where the Resident Magistrate Jeremaia Savou took into the consideration submissions made by both parties.

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Ali while employed at WAF as a Regional Engineer Bulk, allegedly accepted advantages in the form of return air ticket to Sydney, Australia worth $1430.60.

The alleged advantage was paid on the 21st March 2017 by Sphynx Solutions Pte Limited on account of Ali performing an act in his capacity as a public servant.

The defense counsel sought time to acquire further instructions from the accused to provide a better position on the next cause of action and the matter has been adjourned to 19th of next month.