
Cancer fund-raising campaign begins

May 10, 2023 12:53 pm

The Fiji Cancer Society has expressed concern over the increasing number of breast cancer cases in the country, with over 700 cancer cases recorded in the past two years.

This was highlighted during the Bushells Fiji’s Biggest Morning Tea Campaign launch today, where the society emphasized the importance of early detection and treatment in combating the disease.

Chair, Makarava Wilson states the society aims to raise $110,000 to support its outreach and awareness programs, as well as provide screenings for patients.

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The Motibhai Group has donated $15,000 to the cause.

“Last year our cars and drivers covered over 66,000 kilometres getting patients to and from treatment, this is double the distance covered in 2019. We provided 2200 taxi trips to treatments, also doubled what we did five years ago and Ministry of Health and Medical teams were able to visit more than 1,100 patients thanks to Fiji Cancer Society and the financial support we received through events like Fiji’s Biggest Morning Tea.”

Fiji Cancer Society Patient Support Officer, Katarina Wasarua.

Fiji Cancer Society Patient Support Officer, Katarina Wasarua says they also receive a lot of late-stage cancer presentations from people.

“The age gap between 30’s and 50’s. Most of them are presented early but for the young ones, we are glad to see them coming for advice and for further treatments to the society where we refer them to the Ministry of Health but still there is a big improvement needed for those that are shy or are scared that having cancer is related to death.”

The society stresses that early detection and treatment can lead to lifesaving surgeries and chemotherapy, giving patients the opportunity to recover from the illness.

As breast cancer remains the leading cancer type in Fiji, society is urging people to understand that the disease is treatable and to seek medical attention as soon as possible.