
Cadet training boosts discipline and values: Radrodro

August 27, 2024 5:00 am

[Source: Ministry of Education / Facebook]

The introduction of military drills in the schools is developing the students and inculcates discipline, patriotism as well as encourages physical activity.

This has been highlighted by Education Minister Aseri Radrodro while officiating at the cadet pass-out and 50-year anniversary of Muaniweni College.

Radrodro reiterated the grave and shared concern of the ministry on the increasing social ills, and pleads for a comprehensive multispectral approach, including working with cadets to assist with discipline.

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[Source: Ministry of Education / Facebook]

Radrodro says cadet training teaches students important values such as honesty, discipline and a sense of responsibility.

He adds that cadet training is also a tool for instilling self-discipline, moral values, integrity and respect for others.

The Minister also acknowledged the dedication and commitment of the Instructors from the 3rd Fiji Infantry Regiment Training Team who had guided the cadets through their training for the past few weeks laying the foundation for the Pass out Parade