
By-election avoided after MPs shift

August 9, 2024 12:45 pm

[File Photo]

A by-election was narrowly avoided following the deregistration of the FijiFirst party, which left 26 Opposition MPs without a party affiliation.

Speaker of Parliament Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu clarified that while the MPs could have faced deregistration themselves, they remain in Parliament as independent members.

He says that the transition from a unified party to independent status was necessitated by the Supervisor of Elections’ decision to deregister FijiFirst.

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This legal shift, Ratu Naiqama states resulted in the MPs being recognized as independents, fundamentally altering their role in Parliament.

“You’re not sacked from parliament. You’re still a member of parliament, but you all now work in groups because you can’t be working together as one, even though you came through one party. But this is how you operate. That, again, is democracy. You’re just showing the true colors of democracy that exist now.”

In the wake of the party’s deregistration, Ratu Naiqama says the independent MPs have reorganized into two blocs—one with 16 members and another with nine.

He says this restructuring has allowed them to remain active participants in parliamentary proceedings, avoiding the need for a by-election that would have affected all 26 seats.

However, one MP, Alvick Maharaj, has yet to confirm his position as he awaits a decision on his appeal against the deregistration of FijiFirst.

Ratu Naiqama adds that Maharaj will determine his status in Parliament pending the outcome from the Supervisor of Elections, Ana Mataiciwa.