Budget 2024-25

Ministry prioritizes teacher retention in budget submissions

June 27, 2024 6:44 am

The retention of teachers is one of the major priority areas of the Ministry of Education as part of their budget submissions for the next financial year.

Education Minister Aseri Radrodro says they want to ensure that teachers enjoy the environment they work in and also try to deter the increasing trend of resignations from teachers who have opted for greener pastures and also going abroad.

Radrodro says apart from that, in addition to what has been highlighted in the general declaration, the nine thematic areas, specifically in the areas of early childhood education, inclusive education, and technical vocational education, are also being prioritized for the way forward.

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“On the way forward, we would like to see how best we can prepare our students, our schools, stakeholders when we introduce digitalization of the school system.”

He added that this was a challenge of the schooling system during COVID, and they would like to build up from there and give options to students and schools to ensure that they are well-prepared and conversant with the digitalization platform.

The Ministry of Education was allocated $505.4million in the last financial year.