Tourism Fiji is forecasting a billion-dollar opportunity over the next four years.
Chief Executive Brent Hill says they have submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Finance to increase their budget allocation to help sustain the tourism growth in Fiji.
Hill highlights that the sustainable growth has helped attract investors to Fiji.
“You would have seen the announcements coming out about the number of projects in Fiji. I can share with you that this week we had one of the most significant investments in Fiji’s history, where a private investor purchased some of our islands, and that’s a really significant investment.”
Brent Hill [right] with the FHTA CEO Fantasha Lockington
Hill states that 12,900 tourists came through cruise ships last month, and Tourism Fiji is expecting the first turnaround next year, which is a significant development.
He says that Norwegians are going to be doing three turnarounds, which means 2,500 people fly into Fiji to board the boat, and 2,500 get off.
The Tourism Fiji CEO reiterates that this turnover will happen in May next year.