Former diplomat and School of Law lecturer at the University of Fiji, Jioji Kotobalavu.
A political pundit is calling for the Fijian Elections Office to be fair to all political parties.
Former diplomat and School of Law lecturer at the University of Fiji, Jioji Kotobalavu told FBC News that FEO should not use the law as a political defence against political parties.
Kotobalavu, however, supports the Acting Supervisor of Elections Ana Mataiciwa’s decisions as of date.
“The Supervisor of Elections has the right to do that she’s just following the law. But at the same time treat the parties equally. Don’t use the law as an instrument of penalizing a particular party but deal with all. They’re all accountable, they know what to do.”
Kotobalavu says all parties need to be treated fairly.
“Now as a student of law, all I can say is I hope that the Supervisor of Election in dealing with issues treat all the parties fairly. Everybody is entitled to fair and just treatment. Section 16 of the Constitution provides for that.”
The major political party in the opposition chambers, Fiji First, has until June 15th to submit its audited financial accounts or face deregistration.