Budget 2023-24

Balanced budget says Ditoka

July 2, 2023 12:10 pm

Minister for Rural and Maritime Development, Sakiasi Ditoka

It is quite a balanced budget considering the current financial situation of the country says Minister for Rural and Maritime Development, Sakiasi Ditoka.

He says the Ministry is satisfied with the allocation of $29 million.

However, Ditoka says despite being hard-pressed for resources at the moment, everything that they have planned for has been covered.

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“There was a bit of reduction here and there in some of the allocations for some of the departments, but we’re thankful that the rural and maritime island component as well as the rural housing project are all covered there, and then we’re very thankful for that.”

Ditoka states they anticipate a lot more development in the rural areas; however, for now, they will work with the allocated budget to complete planned projects.