
Alleged perpetrator wanted to apologise over lunch

September 19, 2024 4:54 pm

[Source: SCC/Facebook]

It has come to light that in the recent alleged harassment incident involving a Hibiscus Festival contestant the alleged perpetrator had sought to seek an apology by inviting the contestant over for lunch.

This comes after the contestant alleged that she was touched inappropriately after the crowning ceremony

The contestant shared with FBC News that she was hit on her upper back with a lot of force by the alleged perpetrator on the final night.

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She also informed us that this incident was witnessed by one of the staff members of the festival who had informed the security to remove the man from the premises.

The contestant claims that the alleged perpetrator reached out to her to apologise to her only on the advice of a member of the festival organization committee.

She also shared that she wanted to leave after the crowning ceremony but she was asked to stay back for a while and she had to brave a smile throughout this ordeal.

After talking it through with her family regarding this incident she will be seeking to file a police complaint soon.

It is alleged man was intoxicated and was later thought to have been escorted out of the festival.

It is also alleged that two other contestants had also experienced similar incidents on the final night.

Police had earlier confirmed that they did not received any complaint from any of the parties involved with the pageant.

The Suva City Council and the Hibiscus committee will be holding a press briefing tomorrow morning.