
AG calls for unity

July 26, 2024 6:00 am

Attorney General Graham Leung

Attorney General Graham Leung has emphasized the importance of our commitment to nationhood, as we are one people with a common destiny.

Speaking at a meeting for the Rotary Club of Suva, Attorney General Graham Leung says Fijians have been comfortable in silos, living side by side rather than living with each other in the country.

He says while it may be a tendency for human to live with their own kind, it is imperative to value each other in a multi-racial country such as Fiji.

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Leung has called for united efforts to diminish ancient believes in our midst.

“As a nation, I believe, however, that we must engage more meaningfully with one another. Meaningful engagement does not end with sharing barafi at Diwali, or lovo at Christmas, or sawai at Eid, or sharing fekei at a fara. At the start, it is not enough. Much more needs to be done.”

Leung reminded the rotarians of their role as agents of change in society.

“Each of you, if you try, have the ability and means to reach across the racial divide and to touch and to change lives. You have the ability to extend the hand of friendship and show compassion towards the people who might not share the same religion or belief as you.”

The Attorney General says Fijians should always celebrate its multi-ethnic fabric.