
Advocates urge compassionate management of stray animals

August 11, 2024 12:23 pm

Stray dogs

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has strongly advocated for the compassionate management of stray cats and dogs around the country.

SPCA Executive Committee President, Seema Deo emphasizes they therefore have collaborated with other animal welfare organizations to use animal-friendly approach to control the population of stray animals.

Deo says the collaborative initiative includes the implementation of a comprehensive Trap-Neuter-Release programme.

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“So what happens is the ministry will trap the animals and bring them to SPCA, they are checked for, you know, that they are healthy, then we de-sex them, we basically spay or neuter the animal and then they’re put back onto the same area where they came from.”

Deo says they have also strengthened their campaign against cruelty to animals through their outreach in both rural and urban communities.

“We really want to get into people’s minds, that throwing rocks and hitting them with sticks and so on just aggravates the animal and makes it aggressive. If we try and have a better understanding of the animal, look after it, try and reduce the strays around your area, probably have a better chance of having safer communities for all of us.”

SPCA and other animal welfare organizations with the Ministry of Agriculture’s Animal and Health Production Division have collaborated to conduct the Stray Animal Control Programme.