
Act review to help expand veterinary workforce

August 9, 2024 5:46 am

[Source: SPCA Fiji/ Facebook]

The review of the Fiji Veterinary Surgeons Act of 1956 will begin by mid-month when the World Organization for Animal Health consultants arrive in the country.

The review will incorporate improvements to address gaps and meet the demands of the sector.

This comes as Fiji currently has only one senior veterinary officer.

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The act review will also open up registration for veterinarians from other academic institutions who have the necessary qualifications and experience to practice in Fiji.

Responding to a written question in Parliament this week, Agriculture Minister Vatimi Rayalu says the vacant positions of Principal Veterinary Officer, two Senior Veterinary Officers, and one Veterinary Officer at the Pathology Laboratory will be re-advertised tomorrow.

Agriculture Minister Vatimi Rayalu

He adds that this aims to attract qualified veterinarians.

Rayalu also says that they are working on administering a qualifying examination to register more local veterinarians who have graduated from local institutions.

He states they are collaborating with the Australian Volunteers Program to bring in three veterinarians from Australia to support the Ministry with veterinary clinical work.

The Minister expects the three volunteers to arrive in October and serve in the Ministry for a one-year period.

Rayalu says the Ministry will work with the WOAH, the Solicitor General, and other stakeholders to set up a Veterinary Statutory Council, which will oversee decisions related to veterinary work in Fiji.