
$60,000 grant to boost MSME’s

November 16, 2023 4:03 pm

Five small and medium enterprises have secured grants totaling $60,000.

These businesses were part of the 15 enterprises that graduated today from a five-month Greenpreneurs Incubator program through the Global Green Growth Institute Pacific.

This aim is to support Fiji’s commitment to sustainable development.

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Assistant Minister for Finance Esrom Immanuel says the incubator program has played a pivotal role in supporting emerging green enterprises.

“By providing them with the necessary skills, tools, and guidance, it has enabled these budding enterprises to develop robust and sustainable business models. This not only equips them for current success but prepares them for future challenges.”

Graduate Senirosi Bevu also underscores the importance of collaboration and shared vision towards greener Fiji.

“Let us be agents of positive change, advocates for sustainable practices and champions of innovation, your endeavors will not only contribute to the well-being of the communities but will inspire others and our future generations to follow our footsteps.”

During the program, five participants were also provided an opportunity to undertake a study visit to Qatar to engage in cultural exchanges, workshops and field trips to enhance their business innovations.