
5000 families to benefit from India’s micro insurance product

August 12, 2024 6:44 am

[File Photo]

The Indian Government will soon meet its goal of supporting over 5000 Fijians through its parametric micro-insurance product.

Indian High Commissioner Palaniswamy Karthigeyan says the insurance was introduced to Fiji in 2021 through a partnership between India and the UNDP and piloted in Ba.

Karthigeyan says this is part of India’s support for Fiji in the area of climate adaptation.

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The High Commissioner highlighted this, emphasizing India’s commitment to assisting Fijian families.

He says the product is designed to benefit Fijian families by providing pay-outs based on measurable climatic impacts.

“If there is a climate event happening in a particular area, they don’t need to meet any other threshold. People who are covered under this facility hardly need to pay $1 a day but they are assured of minimum coverage and this has been done in partnership with UNDP.”

He adds that India is sympathetic and committed to becoming an active partner in addressing the impacts of climate change on Pacific people.