
25 young men to champion sustainable forestry practices

October 23, 2023 10:24 am

[Source: Ministry of Forestry, Fiji/ Facebook]

25 dedicated young men have recently completed Module 3 of the Forest Harvesting Supervisor Training in Labasa in a significant stride towards sustainable forestry practices.

Minister for Fisheries and Forestry Kalaveti Ravu attended the certificate presentation ceremony and commended the men for their unwavering dedication and active participation, which plays a pivotal role in the successful completion of the intensive one-week training program.

Ravu also expresses his gratitude for their commitment to fortifying a knowledgeable and skilled forestry sector.

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Speaking at the ceremony, Ravu highlighted the importance of forests in our daily lives and stresses the urgent need for the conservation and sustainable management of this invaluable resource for the benefit of current and future generations.

Ravu acknowledges that increasing population and the demand for short-term economic development have led to significant pressures on forests, often resulting in their conversion for agriculture, mining, housing, and infrastructure projects.

In this context, the Minister stresses the importance of effective planning and implementation to strike a balance between economic, social, and environmental considerations.

This balance, he says is essential in making decisions regarding the type, size, and location of development projects.

The successful completion of this Forest Harvesting Supervisor Training represents a positive step towards ensuring the responsible and sustainable management of Fiji’s forests.