
22 people found living in one house: Tuiono

September 21, 2024 4:20 pm

[Source: Nasinu Community Alerts / Facebook]

Nasinu Town Council Special Administrators Chair Jone Tuiono admits that overcrowding is a real issue within the municipality.

Tuiono says that their house-to-house survey has revealed several social issues in the Nasinu community and shed light on families living in overcrowding homes.

He says in some homes there are more than a dozen people staying in small houses.

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“In one house in particular, there were 22 people living in a shelter, and there are many others, some of them 19 living in one house, so it’s quite difficult and demanding that we provide housing assistance for these people.”

Tuiono says he believes that the government needs to provide sufficient funds for housing purposes.

He says at least a five-year rolling budget is needed for this.

The Nasinu Town Council SA Chair says that for the meantime, Nasinu is overcrowded with a population of over 60,000 people.

Tuiono has also acknowledged the government’s stance in reviewing the housing policy and taking the time to consult with the public.