
2050 strategy forwarded for approval

August 10, 2024 4:32 pm

The Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum and Prime Minister of Cook Islands Mark Brown during a press brief last night.

Foreign Ministers from the region have agreed that the Executive Summary on the 2050 Blue Pacific Strategy Baseline Report will be forwarded to leaders for their consideration at the Leaders’ Meeting later this month.

This was highlighted by the Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum and Prime Minister of Cook Islands Mark Brown during a press brief last night.

Brown says that High Level Summary on the Prioritized Regional Collective Actions will also be forwarded to leaders for their consideration.

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The PIFS chair commends the efforts that have been undertaken to date on the development of our Baseline Report, where the work is in progress.

He says for the review of the regional architecture, Foreign Ministers again commended the work that’s been undertaken on Phase 1 and

Phase 2 of the review, and endorsed the Phase 2 report of the review.

“The Ministers were also updated on the Pacific Resilience Facility and the outcomes from the Economic Ministers’ meeting on the domicile of this particular facility and the legal structure options. So we note that the Forum Economic Ministers’ recommendation for Tonga to be the country of domicile for this Pacific Resilience Facility, this will now be forwarded to leaders again for their decision to be confirmed at the end of this month at the leaders’ meeting.”

Brown highlighted that the ministers also discussed the matter surrounding New Caledonia.

He states that they received confirmation of President Immaneul Macron’s support for a high-level mission to go to New Caledonia.

The chair says there will be a Troika-led mission where the Forum Secretariat and the French Ambassador and her team are working through the details on timing of the mission which is expected to be before the leaders’ meeting at the end of this month